Who We Are1
Who We Are2
40+ Years

Who We Are

Astha Sansthan was established in the year 1986 by a group of visionaries and philanthropist with long years of experience and interest in education, development and participatory practices of development They believe in people’s strength and their capacities and strongly believe that if people have been given opportunity they will be able to change their lives. They collectively dedicated their lives in addressing issues of tribal and women in Southern part of Rajasthan. Their efforts have been culminated into existence of ASTHA SANSTHAN.

Our Works

Our NGO is dedicated to empowering communities through education, healthcare, and sustainable initiatives. By fostering collaboration and innovation, we address pressing social and environmental challenges, striving for a brighter future for all. Join us in creating meaningful change and building resilient, equitable communities worldwide.

Education - Our Works
Access to quality and inclusive education

Education is the foundation of a thriving community. Our programme aims to enhance quality education and reduce drop rates by strengthening SMCs, facilitating fellowship for underprivileged children.Astha Sansthan is also engaged in creating awareness among community about their roles and responsibilities in ensuring quality education.

Climate Change and Environmental regeneration - Our Works
Climate Change and Environmental Regeneration

Astha Sansthan began work in 1986-87 in a year of severe drought in Rajasthan, and 1990-91, again a year of drought. We worked with the rural poor people on drought relief, well deepening, watershed, soil conservation, seed distribution, afforestation and later with the Rural Development Department, GOI, (CAPART) and the Rajasthan Rural Development Department.

Disaster Relief - Our Works
Women Empowerment

As a resource agency, Astha Sansthan organized training programmes all over the state of Rajasthan for women’s development by partnering with the Government of Rajasthan, and UNICEF.

Work with differently abled people - Our Works
Work with “Differently Abled People”

Astha Sansthan has been open to work with other marginalized people, and work has been done with the “differently abled” or “people with disabilities”. This work included linkages to welfare measures, and skill development

Women's Empowerment - Our Works
Livelihood through MGNREGA

To benefit rural daily-wage labourers working in the MGNREGA projects in their communities, Astha Sansthan has conducted resource persons’ trainings and organised Training-of-Trainers for several thousand “mates” (labour supervisors) of the MGNREGA work sites.

livelihood forest produce - Our Works
Sustainable Livelihood

Our work in South Rajasthan has focused on minor forest produce collection and income generating (Tendu leaves, etc.). A Tendu Leaf Cooperative was formed which greatly improved the income of the tribal people in Kotra

Linkages to government social secutiry - Our Works
Linkages to Government Social Security and Welfare Benefits

An important initiative taken up by the organization is about linking vulnerable community with the schemes and entitlements so that they know and access various laws

Stregthening local communities - Our Works
Strengthening Local Communities and their institutions

The decentralization of governance and participatory planning for development in local self-government bodies has been supported by Astha Sansthan working with the people at the grass-roots.

Work with single women - Our Works
Our work with Single women

Astha Sansthan has played a key role in the formation of Ekal Nar Shakti Sangthan [ENSS] to address the issues of single women who suffer due to many old customs and superstitions which stigmatize them.

Awareness on Panchayati raj - Our Works
• Local Self Governance

Astha Sansthan has focused on PESA and Panchayati Raj as per Rajasthan Panchayati Raj Act 1994.Astha Sansthan have been engaged in strengthening the gram sabha and elected women representative

Our Impact

Women linked under MGNREGA

Registered under pension schemes

Tribal women leaders

Tribal and women organization

Individual Forest Right received

Community Forest Right received

Own village development plan

Health and ration kits during Covid

Our Strategies

Empowering through education, healthcare, and sustainability.
Collaborating for a brighter future. Join our mission for positive change today!

Stories Of Change

Protection and Management of Forest
Protection and Management of Forest

Manas village, around 60 km from District Udaipur is mainly inhabited by tribal population and their subsistence depends upon small agriculture,livestock rearing and sale of forest wood from forest.

Limited Surveillance Mechanism
Limited Surveillance Mechanism

Shankar Lal from Indira Colony Sagwada , Dungarpur has been working in stone factory for last 35 years.

Our journey

Astha Sansthan, among one of the most active NGO in India, works intensively through focused welfare projects in areas like education for poor children, healthcare for marginalized and vulnerable communities.

Awards & Recognition

Awards & Recognition: Celebrating excellence, honoring achievements, and inspiring others to reach new heights through acknowledgment and appreciation.

Print Media


Digital Media

Campaign on Indian Constitution

Oath on Preamble of Indian Constitution

4-Digital Media

Our resource sharing agencies

3 - Partners
International organizations
4 - Partners
National organizations
5 - Partners
Indian Foundation
6 - Partners
Ministries/Govt Department
7 - Partners
Individual Donations
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